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Concrete facade residence with big windows for natural light

Information technology is a privilege having a house in a residential zone, specially in a village because yous tin can have reward of the beautiful natural views without existence disturbed by all the buildings that normally environment a house placed in a city. In Cholul, Yucatan, Mexico, the FI Business firm is a construction measuring 380 square meters.

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It was designed by Punto Arquitectónico, Alejandra Molina Gual, Mauricio Rosales Aznar and Israel Ramírez Segura in collaboration with Builder Manuel Ferrer López. Being situated on a flat terrain near the urban center of Mérida, the dwelling is designed to take advantage of the natural sunlight, air current and fresh air and having the opportunity to maximize the external view. The property's land area is bordered by a concrete fence that likewise provides privacy to the owners of this astonishing house.

Fi house project1 View in gallery
Fi house project2 View in gallery

The garden is covered only with a perfectly light-green lawn that gives color to the entire holding, but I actually hope that in the futurity will announced some copse and shrubs and also some lounge chairs to make the whole piece of land more than "alive".  The house is developed around the swimming pool which is considered the "center" of the unabridged projection; all the spaces are placed around it, perfectly linked through big windows with unusual angles, heavy concrete beams and a costless bridge that connects the master bedroom with the kid'south room, giving the sensation of closeness.

Fi house project3 View in gallery
Fi house project4 View in gallery
Fi house project5 View in gallery
Fi house project6 View in gallery

Technically speaking, the structural elements fabricated of white walls of concrete blocks with physical and metal beams are covered with local stone that contrast with the lightness of the windows and soft finishes of the white walls from the interior.{found on archdaily and pics by Tamara Uribe}.


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